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Communicating With God

Writer: Divinely Driven MinistryDivinely Driven Ministry

By: Meghan DeWeerd

Do you struggle with prayer? Have you gone through seasons of life where prayer seemed easy and natural, but others where you struggled to set aside time to pray and weren’t sure what to mention or lay out before God? I know I have gone through both. Our loving Father sent His Son to the cross for us so we can have a relationship with Him, and He invites us to pray often. And while there are days that may seem like we don’t know where to begin and are so overwhelmed we push prayer off for another time, we can and should pray consistently and fervently, even for the simplest of things. The more we share and communicate with our Heavenly Father, the more we will yearn for this time with Him.

When approaching prayer during a season filled with struggles and hardships, it’s important for us to remember all of the joy that God bestows on us. I have found that carrying a small journal or notepad and writing all of the sweet moments that happened during my day helped me feel grateful for all that God had provided me during these hard times, and it opened my heart toward the more difficult topics that I should and need to lay before Him.

We also need to remember how to pray - prayer is not just asking God to help us, but it’s a way to worship and communicate. First, we should praise and worship our Heavenly Father for who He is and what He has done, for sending Jesus, and all the moments we can see Him moving in our life, both past and present. Then, we can share what we are grateful for in this life that God has blessed us with. (This can be as simple as us waking up or the sweet smell of our morning coffee!) Next, we can go before God and ask for His guidance and wisdom and lay out our hearts before Him. It’s okay for us to sometimes just proclaim, “God, You know my heart better than I do. Take out whatever is evil and impure and make my heart soft. Help me yearn for You.” Lastly, we should repent of our sins, thank God for listening, and affirm our faith and trust in Him.

Friend, it is not easy being a believer. It is a hard, constant war that we face every day, and often we fail. But through the power and wondrous act of prayer, we can face our sins and failures and know that our God loves us, forgives us, and only by Him, through Him, and in Him do we have the power to go forward and carry out His plans for us. I sincerely pray for you if you are struggling with prayer, and I hope you are able to stop and pray today.

Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son to die on the cross for us. This is something I take for granted, and I need to be reminded of what this amazing event means for me. Thank You for all You have done in my life - I know You are in control and have Your plans for me. Lord God, You know my heart, my struggles, and my sins. Help me recognize these in myself and cast them out. Forgive me for my sins, Lord. All I want and need in this life is You. I put my trust and faith in You. In Your precious and holy name, amen.


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