~By: Silvana Place~
Just because you have found God, doesn't mean you should stop seeking Him.
A marriage relationship is usually compared to our relationship with Jesus. The commitment and devotion are key to its growth. I can’t even imagine what would have happened if after I said the words ‘I do’ to my husband, I never pursued him or sought to know him better. My love for him would definitely be questioned by him, and even by others. And rightfully so. What if I never gave him any of my time? What if I never talked to him? What if I never learned about him and from him? Most certainly there would be little to no growth in our relationship.
How much more should our focus be on our relationship with the lover of our soul, Jesus, and on seeking Him! If we claim to have a time where we ‘found Him’ or gave our life to Him but never sought Him after that, certainly our love and devotion to Him would come into question.
The truth is, Jesus loves us more than we can even fathom. He desires a closeness or intimacy with us. There’s so much beauty in seeking Him. Time spent with Him is never wasted. As we seek to know Him more, we begin to bear His image. As we remain in His presence, He provides us with an unexplainable joy and peace, He restores our soul, and begins to mold us into His likeness. If you have found Him..seek Him...learn of Him and from Him. Diligently pursue Him, daily, passionately with all of your heart! This is pleasing to Him!
“And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith knowing that he is real and that he rewards the faith of those who passionately seek him.” Hebrews 11:6 TPT